
KindyLinQ provides fun, free, inclusive play and learn sessions for children aged from birth to 3.5 years old and their families.
KindyLinQ is a free, play-based program delivered in a playgroup format that families and children may attend in the early years prior to kindergarten.
The program is led by KindyLinQ staff and provides a safe, welcoming space for families to stay with their children and participate in fun early learning experiences together.
The program runs during school terms. Participation is voluntary and families always attend with their child/children. Days and times vary across locations. Yarrabilba State School provides this service at the Family and Community Place (3 Darnell Street, Yarrabilba) on Tuesdays from 9am – 12noon during school terms.
KindyLinQ sessions are based on evidence-based programs and practices, including the Early Years Learning Framework (PDF, 25.5MB).
Benefits for children and families
Families play the most significant role in establishing the environment children need to develop and learn.
The program offers guidance for families about how to support their child's learning and development at home in the early years before they start kindy.
Learning through play
KindyLinQ is based on a facilitated playgroup model. It is about children learning through hands-on experiences with the support and guidance of a caring adult.
Children will learn skills that will support them now and in later learning, including socialising, managing their emotions and developing language skills to ensure they can effectively communicate their ideas and needs.
KindyLinQ also assists in connecting families with approved kindergarten providers.
Read the KindyLinQ flyer (PDF, 2.1MB).
KindyLinQ operates at the Family and Community Place (3 Darnell Street, Yarrabilba) on Tuesdays from 9am – 12noon during school terms.
Registration is required and can be completed by completing the registration form (through the link on this page) and contacting the school office, 5670 7333.
Registration form link is HERE